- Social Media Policy
Social Media Policy
Purpose of Participation on Social Media by AICA
By communicating with customers through the sharing of information pertaining to AICA on social media, we are aiming to ensure further growth for our company and are striving to be a company that maintains the trust of society. To be specific, our participation on social media platforms is undertaken with the following three goals in mind:
- Have more customers find out about the products and services provided by AICA.
- Listen to the opinions and thoughts of customers so that products and services can be improved.
- Increase the value of our brand as a company that is trusted by society.
Attitude When Participating in Social Media
Social media platforms are places where communication takes placed based on connections between individuals and that communication is made widely available to the general public. Thus, we understand that once information is uploaded to a social media platform that it cannot be completely deleted and will accordingly maintain a reasonable, common-sense attitude as a corporate citizen.
- We will comply with internal rules of our company (such as work regulations) after having complied with the laws and regulations of the relevant countries and regions.
- We will pay close attention to information that is published on social media to ensure that no false information is provided and that no miscommunication arises. In the event that such information does get published, we will ensure that corrections are made in a speedy manner.
- We will respect the rights of third parties, such as intellectual property rights and privacy rights. We will also take care to ensure that nothing is published that is detrimental to the reputations of third parties.
Notifications and Requests to Customers and Users
- Information published on social media by AICA or AICA employees does not necessarily constitute an official announcement or view. Moreover, the publishing of any information does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of said information. The release of official announcements and views of AICA is conducted through the AICA website, via press releases, and through other such means.
- AICA will not be held responsible for any use by users of social media or for the content of anything posted by users (such as comments, photos, videos, and audio files). AICA will also not be held liable in cases where trouble or disputes arise between users or between a user and a third party.
- Information published by AICA or AICA employees on social media platforms and content or posts viewed by users are to be used at the discretion and on the responsibility of users themselves. AICA will not be held liable for any damages incurred by users or other third parties in relation to such usage, except in cases where such damages arise due to intentional acts or acts of gross negligence by AICA.
- AICA reserves the right to delete or edit the relevant posted content, to block access to its social media page or block posts, and to take any other such relevant measures without notifying users.
- Copyrights concerning posted content and other such rights remain the property of the relevant users. However, AICA reserves the right to quote, share or otherwise use through the company’s account any content posted by users without requiring individual approval, without having to provide compensation in relation thereto, with no restrictions on the amount of time such use takes place, and with no conditions attached to said use. AICA also reserves the right to otherwise use the content in question, such as for the improvement of planning activities based on posted content, and the application of posted content to other businesses.
- The operation of social media accounts by AICA may be discontinued without prior notice.
- Individual posts made by users do not constitute a definite commitment on the part of the company to provide a reply in relation thereto